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Re: Internet Tunnel Question

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SecureWare also has a product in this space.  Their product is called
HannaH, and it provides strong authentication and encryption, in a
non-invasive manner.  More information can be found at their web site:


Best regards,                     The time is always right                  
  Bernie Hirsch                   to do what is right. --Martin Luther King
________      _________________________________________________________________
           /                   Bernard S. Hirsch 
          /                    Financial Services Solutions Center          
         ____       ___  /     Hewlett-Packard Company
        /     /    /    /      930 E. Campbell Rd., Richardson, TX 75081
     __/   __/    _____/       (214)699-4197  Fax: (214)699-2528 | 699-6439
                 /             http://fssc.hp.com/bernie.htm [within HP]
___________   __/   ___________________________________________________________

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